Dear Pres. FM Jr.,
As a public student, I know that there are more priorities than us but I only wish that we have a stable and comfortable place to learn. I know that there are more students who don't have the opportunity to learn in decent school.
There are many people suffering poverty and because of that they don't have a chance to learn because even though its called public there still also bills that need to pay. My concern is that all students have the chance to learn for free.
I know its hard to handle a lot of people in this country and most of them trust you so I wish that you do your best to fulfill your words and promises to this country.
Us students just want to learn and achieve our dreams and goal in life, we can do that if we have a decent and comfortable place to study.
I have so many concerns regarding the issues not only in our school but this whole country and I am looking forward to your moves and the way you handle all your responsibilities.
Respectfully yours,
JT Fuller
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